Figure 3-40 HW setup for Build 6 Emulated Grid Condition
The project is programmed to wait for dc bus voltage and ac source voltage to exceed approximately 340 V and 75 Vrms to drive the in rush relay, and clear the trip.
Run the project by clicking .
Now apply an input voltage of approximately 340 V, the board comes out of the undervoltage condition. To run the solution, ac voltage in the output of the inverter has to be higher than 75 V rms and then inrush relay is driven. TTPLPFC_ac_cur_ref is set to -0.03 by default.
Change TTPLPFC_pwmSwState from pwmSwState_defaultState to pwmSwState_normalOperation to enable pwm output. The pwm output is turned off by default and the inverter does not work without selecting this option.
Slowly increase TTPLPFC_ac_cur_ref to -0.05 and inverter output current is close to 0.8 A in RMS value. The output voltage of the inverter is determined by the ac voltage source.
As the source impedance of the emulgated grid condition is not as small as the actual grid, the bandwidth of the current loop is much lower than the designed target and the system suffers from huge current spikes near zero crossing.
Figure 3-41 Lab 9: Closed Current Loop after close the current loop
Figure 3-42 Voltage and current waveform (Lab 9 Emulated Grid Condition)
To bring the system to a safe stop, switch off the output from the AC power supply first and switch off the input DC power supply subsequently. This will eliminate the risk of the undesired reverse power flow in the inverter mode. Bring input AC voltage down to zero and observe the TTPLPFC_ac_volRms_sensed_Volts comes down to zero as well. After AC voltage is fully switched off, the the input DC voltage has to be down to zero, observe the TTPLPFC_vBus_sensed_Volts becomes zero.
Fully halting the MCU when in real-time mode is a two-step process. First halt the processor by using the Halt button on the toolbar () or by using Target → Halt. Then take the MCU out of real-time mode by clicking on . Finally, reset the MCU () .
Close the CCS debug session by clicking Terminate Debug Session (Target → Terminate all).