The project is programmed to wait for dc bus voltage and ac source voltage to exceed approximately 340 V and 75 Vrms to drive the in rush relay, and clear the trip.
Run the project by clicking .
Now apply an input voltage of approximately 340 V, the board comes out of the undervoltage condition. To run the solution, ac voltage has to be higher than 75 V rms and inrush relay is driven.
Change pwmSwState from pwmSwState_defaultState to pwmSwState_normalOperation to enable pwm output. The pwm output is turned off by default and the inverter does not work without selecting this option.
Then slowly increase the TTPLPFC_ac_cur_ref to -0.3 and inverter output current is close to 5.3 A in RMS value. The voltage of inverter output is determined by the grid.
SFRA is integrated in the software of this build to verify the designed compensator provides enough gain and phase margin by measuring on hardware. To run the SFRA keep the project running, and from the cfg page, click the SFRA icon. SFRA GUI appears.
Figure 3-44 Voltage and current waveform (Lab 9 Grid-Connected Condition)
Select the options for the device on the SFRA GUI. For example, for F28377D select floating point. Click on Setup Connection. On the pop-up window uncheck the boot on connect option, and select an appropriate COM port. Click OK. Return to the SFRA GUI, and click Connect.
The SFRA GUI connects to the device. A SFRA sweep can now be started by clicking Start Sweep. The complete SFRA sweep takes a few minutes to finish. Activity can be monitored by seeing the progress bar on the SFRA GUI and also checking the flashing of blue LED on the back on the control card that indicates UART activity. Once complete, a graph with the open loop plot appears, Figure 3-24. This is similar to the plot seen under DC conditions; however, some additional noise is visible due to AC harmonic frequencies close to the measured frequencies. The BW, PM, and GM numbers are very similar to the DC case. Note the graph shown in Figure 3-24 was taken with direct grid AC input. When using AC source interaction of the AC source output, impedance can be observed, which can affect the control margins.
Figure 3-45 SFRA Run, Closed Current Loop, Open Loop Gain (Inverter mode)
To bring the system to a safe stop, switch off the output from the AC grid first and switch off the input DC power supply subsequently. This will eliminate the risk of the undesired reverse power flow in the inverter mode. Turn off the grid voltage and observe the TTPLPFC_ac_volRms_sensed_Volts comes down to zero as well. After the grid voltage is fully switched off, the the input DC voltage has to be down to zero, observe the TTPLPFC_vBus_sensed_Volts becomes zero
Fully halting the MCU when in real-time mode is a two-step process. First halt the processor by using the Halt button on the toolbar () or by using Target → Halt. Then take the MCU out of real-time mode by clicking on . Finally, reset the MCU () .
Close the CCS debug session by clicking on Terminate Debug Session (Target → Terminate all).