The project is programmed to drive the inrush relay and clear the trip after a set amount of time, that is, TTPLPFC_autoStartSlew==100. The software is programmed to do so in the lab with DC. An input voltage must be applied after hitting run and before this autoslew counter reaches 100. If the counter reaches 100, before voltage is applied at the input, the code must be reset. For which the controller must be brought out of real time mode, a reset performed and restarted.
Now run the project by clicking .
Apply an input voltage of approximately 120 V before the autoStartSlew reaches 100. As soon autoStartSlew reaches 100, the inrush relay is triggered, and PWM trip is cleared along with closing the current loop flag.
TTPLPFC_ac_cur_ref is set to -0.03 by default and the output voltage is close to 120 V and output current is close to 1 A.
Now slowly increase Vbus=240 V and see if output voltage and current stay in 120 V and 1 A.
Figure 3-36 Watch Expression, LAb 7, After Closed Current Loop
In this build, SFRA can measure the frequency response. However the resistive load changes the plant pole location and the measurement result is different from Figure 3-24. SFRA for inverter mode will be revisited in Lab 8.
To bring the system to a safe stop, bring the input DC voltage down to zero, observe the TTPLPFC_vBus_sensed_Volts comes down to zero as well.
Fully halting the MCU when in real-time mode is a two-step process. First halt the processor by using the Halt button on the toolbar () or by using Target → Halt. Then take the MCU out of real-time mode by clicking on . Finally, reset the MCU () .
Close the CCS debug session by clicking on Terminate Debug Session (Target → Terminate all).