TIDUDO6B May 2019 – October 2020
The output voltage of the TPS63036 device is set by an external resistor divider connected between VOUT, FB, and GND. When the output voltage is regulated, the typical value of the voltage at the FB pin is 500 mV. The typical current into the FB pin is 0.01 μA, and the voltage across the resistor between FB and GND, R32, is typically 500 mV. Based on these two values, the recommended value for R32 must be lower than 100 kΩ, to set the divider current at 5 μA or higher (selected value of R32 = 51.1 kΩ). From here, the value of the resistor connected between VOUT and FB, R31, (depending on the needed VOUT), can be calculated using Equation 6.
A small capacitor C44 = 10 pF, in parallel with R31, is placed to considerably improve the output voltage ripple.