TIDUE90 July 2018
The TIDM-1021 firmware uses the CapTIvate software library to process raw capacitive measurements from the CapTIvate peripheral on the MSP430FR2633 MCU. This software is based on code generated by the CapTIvate Design Center, and the application layer call back function is added to provide the liquid tolerance feature and to control the feedback (the LED and buzzer).
The process of creating this firmware:
The callback function will first check if there is a "negative touch" to determine whether to halt the LTA. This is to prevent the LTA to track with the "negative touch" count which could trigger false touch detection after the liquid is removed. And then the callback will determine whether to update touched button based on the previous touch status. The callback uses the dominate button algorithm to determine the actual touched button after the sensor touch is detected.
For more information about the firmware and the CapTIvate Design Center project, download them from the TIDM-1021 page, and visit CapTIvate Design Center GUI page CapTIvate Design Center GUI.