Vehicle Occupant Detection Reference Design
Revision History
Changes from * Revision (April 2018) to A Revision
- Changed AWR1642 to AWR6843throughout document Go
- Added (VOD) and Child Presence Detection (CPD)Go
- Added Software Demonstration Source CodeGo
- Changed child left behind in car to child presence detectionGo
- Changed board imageGo
- Changed 2 to sensorGo
- Changed 70 to 60Go
- Changed (or AWR1843 sensor based on 77-GHz mmWave radio-frequency)Go
- Changed 76 GHz to 81 GHz to 81 GHz mmWave radar front end withto 57-GHz to 60-GHz (or 76-GHz to 81-GHz) mmWave radar front end withGo
- Changed two regions of interest. This can be extended to multiple regions detection. to multiple regions (zones) of interest, and can localize occupant signature within a region. Go
- Changed Updated System Description section.Go
- Changed Figure 1 Software Block DiagramGo
- Changed Average zone power to Zone power. Originally, this was a simple average across the entire zone. But large zones suffer because the power of an occupant signature gets diluted due to the number of noise level cells in the zone. Now, the zone is searched for the maximum 5x5 region, and the average of the 5x5 is used for zone power. Go
- Changed Moving average... to Frame-averagedGo
- Added 57-GHz to 60-GHz andGo
- Changed Figure 3: AWR6843/1843BOOST EVM Block DiagramsGo
- Changed mmWave ToolboxesGo
- Changed Memory to Radar cubeGo
- Changed by adding VOD demo and added additional textGo
- Changed Figure 5: VOD Profile Configuration FileGo
- Changed Table 3 title from Memory Resources to DSP Memory ResourcesGo
- Changed vehicle occupancy detection exampleto VOD and CPD use cases Go
- Added (the "inter-frame" period).Go
- Added The "heatmap" is actually a velocity map, with larger magnitude values showing more movement of non-static objects. Go
- Added Range-Azimuth heatmap conditioning — To help overcome issues with clutter removal and DoA, the heatmap is further processed to suppress MVDR arcs, and and to smooth single-frame drops caused by frame variations in clutter removal. Go
- Added subtitle: Heatmap Conditioning AlgorithmsGo
- Changed Two test scenarios were used to test the VOD application software: a lap setup and a vehicle setup. The lab setup attempted to replicate the seating area of a vehicle, but without the confinement of door and roof panels. The vehicle setup created a zone in each of the back seats of a common vehicle. when the test setup is replicated, the demo application can be run as described in the user guide, using the appropriate configuration Two use cases are supported by this design, VOD and CPD. Please refer to subsection 2.4.1 for a description of sensor mounting and zone configuration. The demo project provides example chirp configurations for each use case and supported device. These files are located in the /chirp_configs folder of the demo. Go
- Changed Figure 9: Lab Setup DiagramGo
- Deleted Figure 10: Lab Test Setup; Figure 11:Vehicle Test Measurements; and Figure 12: Vehicle Test SetupGo
- Deleted To create a testing criteria...Go
- Deleted For each scenario, all possible occupied and empty zone combinations were tested.Go
- Changed 1000 framesto 30 secondsGo
- Changed 75 minutes at 6 frames/seconds), and the resulting counts are recorded in the following tables. These tests required that the test subjects are in place when the frame counting begins, and nothing enters an "empty" zone during the test 200 frames at 6.25 fps), and the results are recorded in Table 3. Since a large movement such as entering or exiting the vehicle causes a large spike in all zones, occupants were allowed to sit in the zones for several frames before the counting starts. Go
- Changed title of Table 4 from od_demo_carseats_302_3p0.cfgto Scenario Config file: od_demo_68xx_4zone.cfg Go
- Changed data in Table 4Go
- Added Table Note 1Go
- Changed Figure 13: Child in a Car SeatGo
- Changed Figure 14: Intruder Approaching VehicleGo