TIDUED6B august 2018 – april 2023
IWR6843ISK and MMWAVEICBOOST are part of the mmWave EVMs hardware platforms. The IWR6843 Industrial starter kit (IWR6843ISK) from Texas Instruments is an easy-to-use evaluation module for the IWR6843 mmwave sensing device and this board contains 60GHz mmwave Radar transceiver in which antennas are etched and act as Radar front-end board. The MMWAVEICBOOST is an add-on board used with TIs mmWave sensor used in all Starter Kits to provide more interfaces and PC connectivity to the mmWave sensors. The MMWAVEICBOOST board provides an interface for the mmWave Studio tool to configure the Radar device and capture the raw analog-to-digital converter (ADC) data using a capture board such as DCA1000 evaluation module (EVM). IWR6843ISK and MMWAVEICBOOST contains everything required to start developing software for on-chip C67x DSP core and low-power ARM R4F controllers. It provides interface to the MSP43xx boards through 40-pin LaunchPad™/ BoosterPack™ connectors.
The IWR6843ISK device includes the following features:
The MMWAVEICBOOST device includes the following features:
This reference design uses the IWR6843ISK and MMWAVEICBOOST to support all IWR6843 functions.