TIDUEK9E November 2018 – April 2020
Visit CCS_UniFlash page to install the UniFlash tool and flash the mmWave EVM with the Out-of-Box demo firmware from the latest version of the mmWave SDK. Refer to the EVM User's Guide and mmWave SDK User's Guide documents for instructions on configuring the EVM for flashing and use with UniFlash. The support for IWR6843 is provided starting from mmWave SDK version Refer to the Autonomous Robotics with ROS for mmWave lab in the Industrial mmWave Toolbox for information and details on the latest EVM and supported software versions.
AM572x EVM
The Autonomous robotics demo with mmWave is included in the AM57x Processor SDK for Linux starting from version Download version, and refer to Processor SDK Linux Getting Started Guide to get started with the Processor SDK Linux, and create an SD card with PLSDK file system.
Ubuntu Linux Box with ROS Indigo LTS
Verification of this reference design is done with Ubuntu 14.04. For visualization of the ROS navigation, install the ROS indigo on the Ubuntu Linux box, that is preferred for compatibility reasons. Follow the ROS indigo installation instructions:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu trusty main" >
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full
There are a few additional ROS packages required on the Ubuntu Linux box. These additional ROS packages will be discussed in Software Setup for Ubuntu Linux Box with ROS Indigo LTS.