TIDUEM5 December 2018
To program the MSP430FR2633, import the CAPT-FR2633-MediaPlayerDemo project (see Section 3.6.2) and compile the software. Connect a CAPT-PGMR programmer PCB to the CAPTIVATE-FR2633 MCU target board, then connect a USB cable to the CAPT-PGMR. In CCS, program the target by clicking on the small green bug icon. When complete, remove the CAPT-PGMR board.
To program the MSP430F5229 LaunchPad development kit, import the MSP-EXP430F5529LP_USBKeyboardHost_GestureDemo project (see Section 3.6.4) and compile the software. Connect a USB cable to the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad development kit. In CCS, program the target by clicking on the small green bug icon.