Code Composer Studio™ with C2000 powerSUITE and C2000WARE-DIGITALPOWER-SDK used in this design.
The general structure of the project follows
C2000Ware-DigitalPower-SDK Structure. For this design, <solution> is "DAB".
The solution name is also used as the module name for all the variables and defines
used in the solution. Hence, all variables and function calls are prepended by the
DAB name (for example, DAB_vSecSensed_pu
). This naming convention
lets the user combine different solutions while avoiding naming conflicts.
- The "<solution>.c/h" are solution-specific and device-independent files that consist of the core algorithmic code.
- The “<solution>_board.c/h" are board-specific and device-dependent. This file consists of device-specific drivers to run the solution. If the user wants to use a different modulation scheme or a different device, the user is required only to make changes to these files, besides changing the device support files in the project.
- The "<solution>-main.c" file consists of the main framework of the project. This file consists of calls to the board and solution file that help in creating the system framework, along with the interrupt service routines (ISRs) and slow background tasks.
- The "<solution>-settings.h” file is where all project-level settings are made like defining frequency, mapping PWM and ADC channels to signals on the control card. This is a device specific file and needs to change from device to device.