The Data Capture tab
provides a graph with the temperature results as well as other
features as shown in Figure 3-10. The temperature result will be fetched automatically
according to the conversion cycle setting bits in the
configuration register. The register data is converted into a human readable format for the GUI and displayed.
- Clear Chart erases the contents of the Temperature Chart box
- Save Chart prompts for a file name, and then saves the contents of the
current temperature graph box to a .csv file.
- Current Value shows the current temperatures of the TMP117 devices on the top
- Celsius or Fahrenheit chooses the unit that the temperature is displayed.
- One Shot is available on the Data Capture tab. The One Shot button writes to
the TMP117 configuration register with the one-shot in conversion mode. This setting
initiates a temperature conversion within the TMP117 device that updates the
temperature result registers when the radio button is selected. After the one-shot
conversion finishes, the device goes into shutdown.
- Continuous performs the temperature conversion continuously when the MOD[1:0]
bits are configured in the configuration register to 00. Each temperature conversion
consists of an active conversion period followed by a standby period based on the
time of the conversion cycle and conversion averaging configuration.