TIDUEY6 April 2021
Power supply is a critical requirement of the control electronics and is split up into multiple units based on isolation, noise and safety considerations. A brief outline of the power supply distribution diagram is shown in Figure 3-11. Power input to the control electronics is supposed to be from vehicle battery. For lab purposes, a power supply of 12V / 5A rating would be sufficient to feed the controller.
An exclusive power supply of 5-V/5-A is designed for the C2000 MCU control card and its associated circuitry. A linear regulator is used to provide 3.3 V for the peripheral modules on the mother board that interacts with C2000 MCU.
The safety MCU control card takes in the battery voltage of 12 V. This control card has a PMIC (TPS65381A-Q1) that provides the operational voltages needed for the safety MCU and its associated on card circuits.
Another exclusive power supply of 5-V/5-A is designed primarily for generating isolated power supplies for traction inverter gate drivers. This 5-V supply is basically an intermediate stage that helps to simplify the design of subsequent gate driver power supplies. This supply is also used to feed a 15-V power supply for resolver front end and to run a blower fan for cooling inverter heat sink if needed. This power supply can be turned ON / OFF by the control and safety MCUs.
A 12-V/1-A power supply is designed to feed the secondary gate drivers of DC-DC converter
Even though these power supplies share the same GND, care is taken to separate the GND planes where ever needed and connecting them together close to the power entry to board. In the sections below, each of the power supply modules are described.