TIDUEY6 April 2021
HAN ZHANG is Systems Engineer with the C2000 Automotive System Solutions team at Texas Instruments since 2019, primarily working on reference solution development and customer support on HEV/EV powertrain systems and functional safety. Before joining the systems team, Han worked at C2000 functional safety team, supporting device safety certification and C28x CPU self test library development. Before joining TI in 2018, Han received his Doctoral Degree in Electrical Engineering from Cleveland State University, Ohio in 2017, and his Bachelor of Engineering from Tsinghua University, China in 2010.
RAMESH RAMAMOORTHY is a senior systems engineer with the C2000 Systems group at Texas Instruments since 2011, primarily working on motor control applications and developing reference solutions in appliance, industrial servo and EV / HEV traction drive segments. In his previous jobs, Ramesh worked as motor drives R&D engineer developing then state of the art motor drive solutions and as applications engineer developing multiple reference designs for appliance market. He received his Master of Technology in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India in 1993 and has been working on controlling various types of motors ever since.