This reference design features a highly modular solution for radiation-hardened satellite telemetry systems that utilizes the versatility of the LMP7704-SP to accurately monitor temperature, voltage, and current to provide feedback to the host board. It also provides controlled analog outputs to provide protection and optimal efficiency. The majority of space applications require monitoring of these three key measurables in multiple sub-systems of the satellite.
TIDA-010197 | Design Folder |
LMP7704-SP | Product Folder |
TMP461-SP | Product Folder |
INA901-SP | Product Folder |
MSP430FR5969-SP | Product Folder |
ADC128S102QML-SP | Product Folder |
DAC121S101QML-SP | Product Folder |
TPS7H2201-SP | Product Folder |
TPS7A4501-SP | Product Folder |