TIDUF14 October   2022


  1.   Description
  2.   Resources
  3.   Features
  4.   Applications
  5.   5
  6. 1System Description
  7. 2System Overview
    1. 2.1 Block Diagram
    2. 2.2 Design Considerations
    3. 2.3 Highlighted Products
      1. 2.3.1 BQ76952
      2. 2.3.2 LM5163
      3. 2.3.3 MSP430FR2155
      4. 2.3.4 ISO1042
      5. 2.3.5 TPS54308
      6. 2.3.6 ISO7731
      7. 2.3.7 THVD1400
      8. 2.3.8 UCC27524
      9. 2.3.9 TMP61
  8. 3Hardware, Software, Testing Requirements, and Test Results
    1. 3.1 Hardware Requirements
    2. 3.2 Test Setup
    3. 3.3 Test Results
      1. 3.3.1 Cell Voltage Accuracy
      2. 3.3.2 Pack Current Accuracy
      3. 3.3.3 Auxiliary Power and System Current Consumption
      4. 3.3.4 Cell Balancing
      5. 3.3.5 Protection
      6. 3.3.6 Working Modes Transition
  9. 4Design and Documentation Support
    1. 4.1 Design Files
      1. 4.1.1 Schematics
      2. 4.1.2 BOM
    2. 4.2 Tools and Software
    3. 4.3 Documentation Support
    4. 4.4 Support Resources
    5. 4.5 Trademarks
  10. 5About the Author

Hardware, Software, Testing Requirements, and Test Results

The key performances of the TIDA-010216 were tested in a TI lab, the end equipment used and test processes and results are described in this section.

Table 3-1 describes the connections for TIDA-010216 board.

Table 3-1 Board Connections
BAT–BAT–Cell stack negative; this provides a reference for the electronics and the high current path from the cells
PACK+PACK+Charger positive or load positive
PACK–PACK–Charger negative or load negative
P1Cn(n = 0 to 16) Cell monitor, balance, and electronics power connections.
P2-1RS485-ARS485 Bus I/O port, A
P2-2RS485-BRS485 Bus I/O port, B
P3-1CAN-LLow-level CAN BUS
P3-2CAN-HHigh-level CAN BUS
P4-13V3SBW program connector 3.3 V
P4-2SBIOSBW program connector SBIO
P4-3SBCLKSBW program connector SBCLK
P4-4GNDSBW program connector ground
P5-1SDAI2C communication SDA from bq76952, bq76942, and bq769142, connect SDA_MCU or EV2400 SDA
P5-2SDA_MCUI2C communication SDA from MCU
P5-3SCLI2C communication SCL from bq76952, bq76942, and bq769142, connect SCL_MCU or EV2400 SCL
P5-4SCL_MCUI2C communication SCL from MCU