TIDUF16 December 2023
Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4 illustrate the optional feature wiring and layout space for the pulse oximeter. A display with integrated driver can be connected to SPI Port 0 of the MSPM0L1306 via 4-wire SPI for simple integration. Additionally, I2C Port 0 of the MSPM0L1306 can be used to integrate an orientation sensor to orient the display in a convenient manner for the device user. Furthermore, universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) Port 1 on the MSPM0L1306 can be used for communication to receive and interpret serial data transmitted to TI’s POX GUI or other serial data compatible software. Lastly, the TIDA-010267 allows for MCU programming via 10-pin SWD configuration for simplified debugging and testing with TI resources.