TIDUF20A December   2022  – December 2024


  1.   1
  2.   Description
  3.   Resources
  4.   Features
  5.   Applications
  6.   6
  7. 1System Description
  8. 2System Overview
    1. 2.1 Block Diagram
    2. 2.2 Design Considerations
      1. 2.2.1 Configure This Design for Different Use Cases
      2. 2.2.2 Auxiliary Power Strategy
      3. 2.2.3 High-Side N-Channel MOSFET
      4. 2.2.4 Stacked AFE Communication
      5. 2.2.5 Thermistor Multiplexer
      6. 2.2.6 CAN Stacking
    3. 2.3 Highlighted Products
      1. 2.3.1  BQ76972
      2. 2.3.2  MSPM0G3519
      3. 2.3.3  UCC334xx
      4. 2.3.4  LM5168
      5. 2.3.5  ISO1640
      6. 2.3.6  ISO1042
      7. 2.3.7  ISO1410
      8. 2.3.8  TPS7A24
      9. 2.3.9  TMP61
      10. 2.3.10 TPD2E007
  9. 3Hardware, Software, Testing Requirements, and Test Results
    1. 3.1 Hardware Requirements
    2. 3.2 Software Requirements
      1. 3.2.1 Getting Started MSPM0 Software
        1. Download and Install Software Required for Board Test
        2. Import the Project Into CCS
        3. Compile the Project
        4. Download Image and Run
      2. 3.2.2 Software Function List
        1. Driverlib Function List
          1.        CAN_ID_Init_on_Startup
          2.        CAN_Write
          3.        CANprocessCANRxMsg
          4.        I2C_WriteReg
          5.        I2C_ReadReg
          6.        RS485_Send
          7.        RS485_Receive
        2. Application Function List
          1.        Temp_Mux_Polling
          2.        BatteryDataUpdate_32s
          3.        BQ769x2_OTP_Programming
          4.        Check_Signal_Pattern
          5.        BMU_FET_Test
      3. 3.2.3 Software Workflow
    3. 3.3 Test Setup
    4. 3.4 Test Results
      1. 3.4.1 Cell Voltage Accuracy
      2. 3.4.2 Pack Current Accuracy
      3. 3.4.3 Auxiliary Power and System Current Consumption
      4. 3.4.4 Protection
      5. 3.4.5 Working Modes Transition
      6. 3.4.6 Thermistor Multiplexer
      7. 3.4.7 ESD Performance
      8. 3.4.8 Surge Immunity
  10. 4Design and Documentation Support
    1. 4.1 Design Files
      1. 4.1.1 Schematics
      2. 4.1.2 BOM
    2. 4.2 Tools and Software
    3. 4.3 Documentation Support
    4. 4.4 Support Resources
    5. 4.5 Trademarks
  11. 5About the Author
  12. 6Revision History

Pack Current Accuracy

This design uses one 0.3mΩ, 15W, 25PPM shunt resistor to measure pack current. The board offset was calibrated using the guidance of the calibration section of the BQ769x2 Calibration and OTP Programming Guide. Then current gain was calibrated with 6A discharging current and also following the guidance of this application note. Write the board offset and current gain values with one-time-programmable (OTP) to the bottom BQ76972; otherwise, the MCU has to store such data and write to the bottom BQ76972 every time the device wakes up from shutdown mode. Figure 3-7 shows the pack current accuracy data under room temperature. The maximum current error is below 20mA when the discharging current is below 5A and 0.2% when the discharging current is above 5A.

TIDA-010247 Pack Current AccuracyFigure 3-7 Pack Current Accuracy