TIDUF23 may 2023
The motor control software can be configured for different test modes to enable incremental software testing. For example, if neither of the CLOSED_CURRENT_LOOP or CLOSED_SPEED_LOOP symbols are defined, the Vd and Vq reference values are directly set to default test values. This mode can be used for testing the PWM setup and open-loop inverter operation. Similarly, only defining CLOSED_CURRENT_LOOP and not CLOSED_SPEED_LOOPallows setting up the id, iq references directly. In this case, the motor speed can be set by setting the ramp generator frequency.
The user motor type and the corresponding parameters can be found in the trinv_setting.h file. The default setting can be changed by changing the value of the USER_MOTOR macro. If the user intends to use an outside the list of predefined motors, the user can copy the template used.