TIDUF26 june 2023 BQ24072 , LMR36520 , TLV62568 , TPS2116
The battery management system transient response is more complicated than the LMR36520 and TLV62568 as the BM24072 must pull current from two sources, the battery and the PWRin node, when load currents exceed 500 mA. Figure 3-28 shows a 250-mA to 750-mA load step on the BM24072 output. As the load current becomes too high for the PWRin node to supply, the battery management system drops in voltage because it uses the battery as power assistance. BMOut returns to the initial voltage once the output current steps back down and the battery is no longer required to provide additional current. When the battery is the only source present, the transient response of the BM24072 exhibits only the voltage drop across the power line of the battery because current is pulled as shown in Figure 50Figure 3-29.