R5F_0_1 Initialization
Use the following steps to initialize R5F_0_0 for motor 1
- Set up GPIO pin direction and initial values (init_gpio_state)
- Disable EPWM (enable_pwm_buffers)
- Set up EPWM frequency and interrupt for motor 1 (init_pwms)
- Set up ICSSG0 PRU1 for EnDAT 2.2 motor 1 (channel 0, init_encoder)
- Configure g_mux_en to 1 in
- Register & enable ICSSG EnDat PRU
FW interrupt
- Interrupt number:
- Callback function:
- Set up the EnDat 2.2 parameters
- gEndat_multi_ch_mask =
- gEndat_is_multi_ch =
- gEndat_is_load_share_mode =
- Initialize ICSSG0 PRU1
- Initialize the encoder using the
encoder driver API (endat_init)
- Configure the encoder using the
encoder driver API (endat_config_multi_channel_mask)
- Configure Delays based on the ICSSG
- Load and run the EnDat 2.2 PRU FW to
ICSSG0 PRU1 (endat_pruss_load_run_fw)
- Check initialization ack from
firmware, with a timeout of 5 second (endat_wait_initialization)
- Set default frequency to 16 MHz for
2.2 encoders (endat_init_clock)
- Set propagation delay to make 16 MHz
work at 300-MHz PRU (endat_handle_prop_delay(priv, 265))
- SetsEnDat 2.2 FW to periodic
triggering (endat_config_periodic_trigger)
- Configures parameters for EnDat 2.2
FW periodic mode (endat_config_periodic_mode)
- IEP0 CMP3 event for channel 0
(3000ns from start of PWM period)
- IEP0 CMP6 event for channel 2
(3000ns from start of PWM period)
- Start receiving EnData 2.2 data
- Set up ICSSG0 PRU0 for SDFM for motor 1 (init_sddf)
- Initialize IEP0, configure SYNC0 SD
clock (init_IEP0_SYNC)
- Initialize ICSSG0 PRU0
- Register and enable ICSSG SDFM RTU FW
- Interrupt number:
- Callback function:
- Initialize RTU/PRU core for SDFM
- RTU sample base address:
- PRU sample base address:
- Start IEP0 (start_IEP0)
- Force SW sync for EPWM0. Other PWMs
are synchronized through hardware sync daisy-chain (EPWM_tbTriggerSwSync)
- Disable the EPWM output buffer
- Initialize the parameters for FOC (init_pids)
- Enable the EPWM output buffers for motor 1 (enable_pwm_buffers(TRUE))
R5F_0_1 Initialization
Use the following steps to initialize R5F_0_1 for motor 2
- Set up EPWM frequency and interrupt (init_pwms) for motor 2
- Register and enable ICSSG EnDat PRU FW interrupt for motor 2
- Interrupt number:
- Callback function:
- Register & enable ICSSG SDFM PRU FW interrupt for motor 2
- Interrupt number:
- Callback function:
- Initialize the parameters for FOC (init_pids)
Set up Interrupts
Use the following instructions to set the Interrupts and Handlers:
EPWM interrupt (50 kHz), ISR -
App_epwmIntrISR (Motor 1) or App_epwmIntrISR2 (Motor 2)
SDFM interrupts (50 kHz), ISR -
rtuSddfIrqHandler (Motor 1) or pruSddfIrqHandler (Motor 2)
- From sample 8192 to 16384, compute the
SDFM channel offsets (0–2 or 3–5). The SDFM channel offsets are used in the FOC loop
- At sample 16384, write EPWM for Phase
A, Phase B, and Phase C to lock the rotor to electrical 0 and disable SDFM
- Clear interrupt at source
EnDAT 2.2 interrupt (50 kHz), ISR –
pruEncoderIrqHandler (for Motor 1)
- Clear interrupt at source
- For sample 0 – 8192 doing nothing
- For sample 8193–16383:
- Calculate mechanical and electrical
angle offset (localEnDatGetSingleMulti)
- For sample 16384:
- Find the average of the mechanical
and electrical angle offset
- Turn off all phases
- Save the mechanical and
electrical angle offset
- For sample after 16384:
- Start FOC loop and unlock the
- Get the latest mechanical theta and
multiturn position from the encoder (localEnDatGetSingleMulti)
- Use calculated offset from electrical
0, 4 pole pairs
- Running FOC loop to compute the space
- Write next CMPA values. Swap cmp0 and
cmp2 because the HW connect EPWM0 to Phase C and EPWM2 to Phase A
- EPWM0 is actually uses EHRPWM2; EPWM1
is using EHRPWM1 and EPWM2 is using EHRPWM0
- See the EPWM settings in
example_syscfg of single_chip_servo_am243x-lp_r5fss0-0_nortos_ti-arm-clang for
EnDAT 2.2 interrupt (50 kHz), ISR –
pruEncoderIrqHandler (for Motor 2)
- Clear interrupt at source
- For sample 0–8192 doing nothing
- For sample 8193–16383:
- Calculate mechanical and electrical
angle offset (localEnDatGetSingleMulti)
- For sample 16384:
- Find the average of the mechanical
and electrical angle offset
- Turn off all phases
- Save the mechanical and electrical
angle offset
- For sample after 16384:
- Start FOC loop and unlock the
- Get the latest mechanical theta and
multi-turn position from the encoder (localEnDatGetSingleMulti)
- Use calculated offset from electrical
0, 4 pole pairs
- Running FOC loop to compute the space
- Write next CMPA values. Swap cmp0 and
cmp2 because the HW connect EPWM0 to Phase C and EPWM5 to Phase A
- EPWM0 is actually uses EHRPWM5; EPWM1
is using EHRPWM4 and EPWM2 is using EHRPWM3
- See the EPWM settings in
example_syscfg of single_chip_servo_am243x-lp_r5fss0-1_nortos_ti-arm-clang for