TIDUF60 December 2023
Fault management is implemented in this system that includes overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage, stall, overload, start-up failed. The faults protection parameters are defined in user_mtr1.h as shown in the following codes, which are hardware board, motors, and system dependent.
//! \brief motor over current threshold
#define USER_MOTOR1_OVER_CURRENT_A (6.5f) // A
//! \brief motor lost phase current threshold
//! \brief motor unbalance ratio percent threshold
#define USER_M1_UNBALANCE_RATIO (0.2f)
//! \brief DC bus over voltage threshold
#define USER_M1_OVER_VOLTAGE_FAULT_V (380.0f)
//! \brief DC bus over voltage threshold
#define USER_M1_OVER_VOLTAGE_NORM_V (350.0f)
//! \brief DC bus under voltage threshold
#define USER_M1_UNDER_VOLTAGE_FAULT_V (100.0f)