TIDUF61 May 2024
A key criteria of an automotive HVIL design is the generation of a constant current. This current is generated by the HVIL circuitry and flows through the interlock signal cables, through all of the high-voltage connectors, and returns back to the HVIL circuitry. Many automotive OEMs have varying requirements for the HVIL constant current, typically ranging from 5mA–30mA of constant current. A benefit to this reference design is the ability to adjust the current output based on discrete components.
The schematic in Figure 2-9 features the TLV9002-Q1, using one channel to generate a constant HVIL current. This circuit design is based on the Analog Engineer's Circuit: Voltage-to-current (V-I) converter circuit with BJT. Reference this analog circuit design for more details about the circuit, including downloadable simulation models.