TIDUF65 March 2024
For the A/D conversion, this design uses a SAR ADC ADS7043 and a delta-sigma modulator AMC1035 and compares the performance with the TMCS1123 between the two conversion methods. 0Ω resistors and jumpers are used to select which of the two ADCs are active and connected the output of the TMCS1123 Hall-effect sensor.
Jumpers J4 and J10 are used for signal path selection. J4 is used for the VREF path selection of the TMCS1123; J10 is used for the output voltage path selection of the TMCS1123. Both for J4 and J10, connecting J1 and J2 connects the signal to AMC1035, connecting J2 and J3 connects the signal to ADS7043.