To view the metrology parameter values from the GUI, perform the following steps:
- Connect the reference design to a PC using an RS-232 cable. If the PC does not have
an RS-232 adapter, use a serial RS-232 adapter to create a COM port on the PC when the
adapter is plugged in, the default UART setting is 9600,8,n,1.
- Open the GUI folder and open calibration-config.xml in a text editor.
- Change the port name field within the
meter tag to the COM port connected to the system. As Figure 3-10 shows, this field is changed to COM7.
- Run the calibrator.exe file, which is
located in the GUI folder. If the COM port in the calibration-config.xml was
changed in the previous step to the COM port connected to the reference design, the GUI
opens (see Figure 3-11). If the GUI connects to the design properly, the top-left button is green. If there
are problems with connections or if the code is not configured correctly, the button is
red. Click the green button to view the results.
Upon clicking on the
green button, the results window opens (see Figure 3-12). In the figure, there is a trailing "L" or "C" on the Power factor values to
indicate an inductive or capacitive load, respectively.
From the results window, view the total-energy
consumption readings by clicking the Meter Consumption button. After the user clicks
this button, the Meter events and consumption window pops up, as Figure 3-13 shows.
From the results window, the user can also view the meter settings by clicking the Meter features button, view the system calibration factors by clicking the Meter calibration factors button, or open the window used for calibrating the system by clicking the Manual cal. button.