TIDUF77 June 2024 – December 2024 MSPM0G1507
The single-shunt current-sensing technique measures the DC-link bus current, with knowledge of the power FET switching states and reconstructs the three-phase current of the motor. The detailed description of the single shunt technique is described in the Sensorless-FOC for PMSM With Single DC-Link Shunt application note.
On this reference board, implement the single-shunt current-sensing technique by removing two shunts and shorting the connection of the U, V, W ground of the power module as shown in Figure 2-32.
By default, the board has three shunt resistors, Figure 2-33 shows the layout of the shunt resistors. To run with a single-shunt resistor, remove R97 and R104 while keeping R83, solder IW_P, IV_P and IU_P (pin 2 of R83, R97, and R104) together, then all three phase currents flow through only R83.
The DC-Link current is a unidirectional signal, so the DC current offset can be set to a minimum or maximum value to improve the ADC sampling range for the DC-Link current as Figure 2-34 shows. For both daughterboards, change R79 from 20kΩ to 2.2kΩ/1% resistor for the reference voltage to have 0.327V offset for DC current sensing.
The transfer function of this current sampling circuit and the calculation for single shunt are the same as the three shunts.