TIDUF98 October 2024
To test for metrology accuracy, a source generator is used to provide the voltage (J2) and current (J14) to the system. Additionally, a nominal voltage of 120V, calibration current of 10A with phase calibration at 60° and nominal frequency of 60Hz are used. During all of the tests, the board is powered directly thru J4 using 3V3 and GND from a bench power supply.
When the voltage and current are applied to the system, the system outputs the active energy pulses and reactive energy pulses at a rate of 6400 pulses/kWh. The pulse output is fed into a reference meter, which is test equipment which integrates a reader for the pulse output and a voltage and current source generator. This reference meter determines the energy % error based on the actual energy provided to the system and the measured energy as determined by the active and reactive energy output pulses of TIDA-010940 reference design. Note that active energy error testing and reactive energy error testing are performed after running energy gain calibration, phase calibration, and energy offset calibration.
All active and reactive energy testing is performed using a 200μΩ shunt and the current is varied from 50mA to 100A while voltage is held at 120V. In addition, the system is referenced with respect to the neutral for all tests.
For the following test results, gain, phase, and offset calibration are applied to the meter. At higher currents, the % error shown is dominated by shunt resistance drift caused by the increased heat generated at high currents.