TIDUF98A October 2024 – February 2025
Calibration is key to any meter performance, and it is absolutely necessary for every meter to go through this process. Initially, every meter exhibits different accuracies due to silicon-to-silicon differences, sensor accuracies, and other passive tolerances. To nullify the effects, every meter must be calibrated. To perform calibration accurately, there must be an accurate AC test source and a reference meter available. The source must be able to generate any desired voltage, current, and phase shifts (between V and I) per phase. To calculate errors in measurement, the reference meter acts as an interface between the source and the meter being calibrated.
The exact calibration procedure is described in Chapter 3.2.3 Viewing Metrology Readings and Calibration of Single-Phase and Split-Phase Shunt Energy Metrology Reference Design and applies here also.