TIDUFA8 November 2024
This section discusses the procedure to connect the reference design with a host PC used to validate and test the reference design.
The reference design communicates to the outside world with UART, SPI, and I2C interfaces. A UART interface is used to establish communication between the reference design and a host PC. To do this, a USB to UART converter is required. The following are a few USB to UART converters that have been used for testing:
Any of the three USB to UART converters can be used to establish communication between the reference design and a host PC.
The reference design uses 1.27mm pitch pins to reduce the form factor. However, 2.54mm pitch jumpers are needed to connect to most USB to UART adapters. Because of this, to connect with the USB bridges, a pitch converter DR127D254P20F has been used. Below image depicts the same:
In this procedure, the reference design is mated to the pitch converter and 2.54mm pitch male headers from the other side of the pitch converter has been used to make the connection. Following are few cautionary items that have been taken care of while establishing the connection: