Figure 3-25 shows the input voltage and current waveforms.
CH1 (Blue): DCBUS
output voltage
CH2 (Light blue):
AC input phase A voltage
CH3 (Pink): IGBT
gate voltage
CH4 (Green): AC
Input phase A current
Figure 3-25 Build Level 3: Scope
Capture Ia and Va (120VRMS L-N) With Vref = 1.0
Now raise
vBusRef to 1.5 step by step, the bus voltage is raised to
630V, the vBusRef and vBusMeas variables
appear in the Expressions window as Figure 3-26 shows.
Figure 3-25 shows the input voltage and current waveforms.
CH1 (Blue): DCBUS
output voltage
CH2 (Light blue):
AC input phase A voltage
CH3 (Pink): IGBT
gate voltage
CH4 (Green): AC
Input phase A current
Figure 3-27 Build Level 3: Scope
Capture Ia and Va(120VRMS L-N) With Vref=1.5
To bring the system to a safe stop, bring the input AC voltage down to zero,
observe the guiVBus variable comes down to zero as well.
Fully halting the MCU when in real-time mode is a two-step process. First halt the
processor by using the Halt button on the toolbar () or by using
Target > Halt. Next, take the MCU out of real-time mode by
clicking on the board.
Finally, reset the MCU ().
Close the CCS debug session by clicking on Terminate Debug Session (Target >
Terminate all).