Single-Ended Input (VREF = +5V) |
ADC Input | Digital Output ADS8860 |
VinMax = +5V | AINP = +5V, AINN = 0V | FFFFH |
VinMin = 0V | AINP = 0V, AINN = 0V | 0000H |
Vcc on OPA828 | Vee on OPA828 | Clamp Voltage and Reference | ADS8860 AVDD and DVDD |
+12V | –12V | +5V | +3V |
This cookbook circuit describes how to connect a high-voltage amplifier (for example, ±12V) to a low voltage ADC (for example, 0V to 5V) and clamp the output voltage of the amplifier to protect the ADC from electrical overstress damage. Furthermore, this document shows the impact that the protection clamp has on system performance. This circuit is useful in test and measurement, and factory automation and control.
This example circuit connects the OPA828 to the ADS8860. The OPA828 device has ±12-V supplies and the ADS8860 device has 0-V to 5-V input range. Normally, the amplifier supplies are matched to the ADC input range to prevent overstress of the inputs, but in some cases it may be useful to connect a higher voltage amplifier to a low-voltage ADC. Under a fault condition, when the output of the amplifier is above 5V or below ground, the diodes D1 and D2 turn on and limit the ADC input voltage to safe levels. The resistor Rp limits the output current under fault conditions. The Rp resistor is connected inside the amplifier feedback so that the impedance is reduced by the amplifiers feedback, under normal conditions. Keeping Rp in the feedback improves AC system performance (SNR and THD). This protection method is suitable for other precision SAR ADC with a switched capacitor input.
Specification | Goal | Calculated | Simulated | Measured |
Transient Settling Error | < 1/2LSB (< 38.15µV) | 0.3 LSB (23.1µV) | ||
THD | < –108dB | –113.7dB | ||
SNR | > 92dB | 93.3dB | ||
Bandwidth | > 1MHz | 4.82MHz | 5.08MHz | |
Noise | < 1/2LSB (< 38.15µV) | 11.3µVRMS | 10.04µVRMS |
OPA828 Output | ADS8860 Absolute Maximum Ratings | |||
OPA828 maximum output voltage: | –12V ≤ Vo< 0V | AINP or AINN | –0.3V | VADC_in_min |
(EOS voltage range - Vo ) | +5V < Vo ≤ +12V | to GND | +5.3V | VADC_in_max |
OPA828 maximum output current: | –50mA | Input current | –10mA | IADC_in_min |
(Short-circuit current - Isc ) | +50mA | +10mA | IADC_in_max |
The following graph shows a linear output response for inputs from single-ended –40V to +40V. See Determining a SAR ADC’s Linear Range when using Operational Amplifiers for detailed theory on this subject. Note that the output range is intentionally limited to –0.42V to 5.38V using Schottky diodes to protect the ADS8860 device. Note that Schottky diodes are used because the low forward voltage drop (typically less than 0.3V) keeps the output limit very near the ADC supply voltages. The absolute maximum rating for the ADS8860 is –0.3V < Vin < REF +0.3V.
The bandwidth for this circuit is limited by the RC charge bucket circuit (Rfilt and Cfilt). The hand calculation and the simulated results compare well (hand calculation fc = 4.82MHz, simulated fc = 5.08MHz). See the Op Amp Bandwidth video series for more details on this subject.
The following simulation shows settling to a +5-V DC input signal with the OPA828 device. This type of simulation shows that the sample and hold kickback circuit is properly selected to drive ADS8860 at a 1-MSPS sampling rate and meets the desired ½ of a LSB (38.15µV). See the Introduction to SAR ADC Front-End Component Selection for detailed theory on this subject.
In this circuit example, the noise is dominated by the wide band amplifier noise so the resistors do not contribute significantly. Hence, the noise from the resistors is neglected in this calculation:
Note that calculated and simulated match well (simulated = 10.05µVRMS as in the following graph). See Calculating the Total Noise for ADC Systems for data converter noise.
The following simulation shows a stability check for the performance-improved solution previously shown. This design has 69 degrees of phase margin which indicates that the circuit is very stable. Generally, the circuit which has more than 45 degrees of phase margin is considered to be stable. For more information on stability analysis check the Op Amps: Stability video series.
The following spectral analysis is measured using the PLABS-SAR-EVM-PDKTI Precision Labs SAR ADC Evaluation Module Performance Demonstration Kit (PDK). The AC performance including all the protection circuitry is better than the typical specifications in the ADS8860 16-bit, 1-MSPS, Serial Interface, Micropower, Miniature, Single-Ended Input, SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter data sheet (Measured SNR = 93.3dB, THD = –113.7dB, ADS8860 Typical: SNR = 92dB, THD = –108dB).
Device | Key Features | Link | Other Possible Devices |
ADS8860 | 16-bit resolution, 1-MSPS sample rate, single-ended input, VREF input range 2.5V to 5.0V, SPI, SAR ADC | 16-bit, 1MSPS, 1-channel SAR ADC with single-ended input, SPI and daisy chain | Precision ADCs |
ADS9224R | 16-bit, 3-MSPS, dual-channel, simultaneous-sampling SAR ADC with internal reference and enhanced SPI, SAR ADC | 16-bit, 3MSPS, dual-channel, simultaneous-sampling SAR ADC with internal reference and enhanced SPI | |
ADS8168 | 16-bit, 1-MSPS, 8-channel, SAR ADC with VREF, VREF buffer and multiplexer, enhanced SPI SAR ADC | 16-bit, 1MSPS, 8-ch SAR ADC with VREF, VREF buffer and direct sensor interface | |
OPA828 | 36-V, high-precision, low-noise, low-bias current, JFET- input operational amplifier | High-speed (45MHz and 150V/μs), 36V, low-noise (4nV/√Hz) RRO JFET operational amplifier | Operational amplifiers (op amps) |
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