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The TCA39306 EVM allows the user's to test the device under different loading conditions using selectable pull-up resistors and loading capacitance. The EVM comes with U1 (DCU package) populated, but supports the use of the DDF and DTM package. Performance should be similar to DCU package, but the user may want to test different packages over temperature due to different temperature coefficents.
TCA39306EVM comes with adjustable pull-up resistors which allows for the user to select from a 4.7 k and 820 Ω resistor. The board itself has a 10 k pull-up resistor on the I2C bus when no resistors are selected from the adjustable pull up bank. When 4.7 k is selected, the effective pull up resistance is 3.2 kΩ. When only the 820 Ω pull-up is selected, the effective pull up resistance is about 750 Ω. When both adjustable pull-up resistors are selected the effective resistance is about 650 Ω. The pull-up resistor selectors are shown in Figure 2-1.
Pull-up resistor (Ω) | Equivalent pull-up resistance (Ω) |
10k || 4.7 k | 3.2 k |
10k || 820 | ~750 |
10k || 4.7 k || 820 | ~650 |