MSPM0C™ is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Many applications require simple I/O functions such as blinking multiple LEDs, reading digital inputs, sampling with ADC, or communicating through additional ports; however, there may be not enough general-purpose I/O pins for the host microcontroller (MCU) or processor to perform these tasks.
Acting as an I/O expander, the MSPM0C™ microcontroller can provide general-purpose remote I/O expansion for a host MCU through serial communication interfaces such as synchronous SPI and I2C, or an asynchronous UART interface. MSPM0C I/O expander can offer lower cost than I/O expander ICs and more flexible configurations.
As shown in Figure 2-1, the MSPM0 I/O expander communicates with a host MCU/MPU using SPI, UART, or I2C interfaces. Meanwhile, the host performs system main functions.