The controller area network (CAN) bus is a multi-master, message broadcast networking interface. It is usually preferred over other differential wired interfaces in safety-critical applications because of the features defined in its protocol such as priority based messaging, bitwise arbitration to handle bus contention and error detection and recovery. Isolating a CAN port is a common design challenge encountered in many industrial and automotive applications. TI’s integrated isolated CAN transceivers ISO1042, ISO1044, and ISOW1044 are referenced throughout this article. The following is a compilation of the most frequently asked questions about isolating CAN nodes.
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The CAN standard ISO11898-2(2016) requires ±12 V common mode voltage range support for a compliant CAN transceiver. This means a CAN receiver needs to tolerate up to ±12 V common mode voltage on CAN lines with respect to bus-side ground and still be able to faithfully replicate differential voltage transitions on the bus. There are CAN transceivers available from TI, such as TCAN1042, which support an extended common mode range of up to ±30 V. When the communicating nodes in a CAN network have larger ground potential differences (GPDs), which are higher than the supported common mode voltage range of the transceiver, due to longer communication distance or system ground being noisy (such as in motor drive applications), isolating the CAN node becomes necessary. The isolation barrier also acts as high impedance to common mode noise transients (such as ESD/EFT/Surge) that are common in industrial environments. Proper design in some application scenarios can enable system designers to drop all common mode noise across the isolation barrier, thereby eliminating some external components commonly seen on CAN bus. For more details, please refer to: How to use isolation to improve ESD, EFT and surge immunity in industrial systems.