SLLA552 March 2021 TMUXHS4212 , TMUXHS4412
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Pin Name | TMUXHS4212 Pin Number | TMUXHS4412 Pin Number | Pin Description | Recommendation |
D0P (A0P) | 3 | 3 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX positive | No AC cap needed if BxP/DxP has AC cap |
D0N (A0N) | 4 | 4 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX negative | No AC cap needed if BxN/DxN has AC cap |
D1P (A1P) | 7 | 7 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX positive | Biased by host controller |
D1N (A1N) | 8 | 8 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX negative | Biased by host controller |
DA0P (B0P) | 19 | 38 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX positive | Need 100-nf AC cap |
DA0N (B0N) | 18 | 37 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX negative | Need 100-nf AC cap |
DA1P (B1P) | 17 | 34 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX positive | Biased by host controller |
DA1N (B1N) | 16 | 33 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX negative | Biased by host controller |
DB0P (C0P) | 15 | 36 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX positive | Need 100-nf AC cap |
DB0N (C0N) | 14 | 35 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX negative | Need 100-nf AC cap |
DB1P (C1P) | 13 | 32 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX positive | Biased by host controller |
DB1N (C1N) | 12 | 31 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX negative | Biased by host controller |
OEn (PD) | 2 | 18 | Active low MUX enable | Adding a Cap 1uf to GND |
SEL (PD) | 9 | 17 | Port select pin, L: A to B H: A to C | |
D2P | 10 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX positive | No AC cap needed if DAxP has AC cap | |
D2N | 11 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX negative | No AC cap needed if DAxP has AC cap | |
D3P | 14 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX positive | Biased by host controller | |
D3N | 15 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX negative | Biased by host controller | |
DA2P | 29 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX positive | Need 100-nf AC cap | |
DA2N | 28 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX negative | Need 100-nf AC cap | |
DA3P | 25 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX positive | Biased by host controller | |
DA3N | 24 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX negative | Biased by host controller | |
DB2P | 27 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX positive | Need 100-nf AC cap | |
DB2N | 26 | Host, device SuperSpeed TX negative | Need 100-nf AC cap | |
DB3P | 23 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX positive | Biased by host controller | |
DB3N | 22 | Host, device SuperSpeed RX negative | Biased by host controller | |
RSVD | 1,10 | 42 | Reserved pins | Leave open |
VCC | 6 | 5,13 | 3.3-V supply (or 1.8V for 4412) | Decoupling capacitor near each pin |
NC | 1,2,12,19, 20,4041 | NA | Leave open | |
GND | 5,11,20 | 6,9,16,21, 30,39 | Ground | |
Thermal Pad | x | x | Thermal Pad | Must be connected to GND |