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UCC25800-Q1 is an open-loop LLC transformer driver. By open-loop control, fixed output to input voltage gain can be achieved through the transformer turns ratio. The open-loop control also provides a simple design and superior noise immunity. The LLC topology utilizes the transformer leakage inductance as its resonant component, allowing the converter to use a transformer with a larger leakage inductance but a much smaller primary-side to secondary-side parasitic capacitance (inter-winding capacitance).
Other topologies, such as flyback or push-pull, require minimum leakage inductance to improve the efficiency, reduce the voltage and current stress, as well as minimize the noise created by the converter. In turn, this type of transformer suffers from larger inter-winding capacitance. When they are used in the gate driver bias supply applications, the high dv/dt from the inverter power stage can be coupled through the transformer inter-winding capacitance to the low-voltage side. This creates a much more severe EMI noise issue. It also puts more challenges on the common-mode transient immunity (CMTI). The open-loop LLC transformer driver solves this issue and provides a low-noise, robust solution for the isolated gate driver bias supplies.