The purpose of this study was to characterize the single-event effects (SEE) performance due to heavy-ion irradiation of the TPS7H4001-SP. Heavy-ions with effective linear energy transferred (LETEFF) of 49 to 75 MeV·cm2/mg were used to irradiate 37 RHA devices in 92 experiments. Flux of ≈105 ions/cm2·s and fluences of 8.1 × 105 to 2 × 107 ions/cm2 per run were used. The devices were characterized over a variety of input voltages, loads, and LETEFF. The results demonstrate that, when operated within its safe-operating-area (SOA), the TPS7H4001-SP is DSEE-free. SET characterization for VOUT transients ≥ |3%| from the nominal output voltage (≈1 – V) and PWRGD are presented and discussed in this report. This report uses the QMLV TPS7H4001-SP device in a ceramic package. It is also applicable for the QMLP TPS7H4001-SP device in a plastic package which uses the same die as the QMLV device.
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