DRV110 120- and 230-V AC, 6- to 48-V DC Current Controller for Solenoids, Relays, and Valves
1 Features
Internal Zener Diode on Supply Pin for High-Voltage Operation
120- and 230-V AC Supply Through Rectifier and RS Resistor
24-V, 48-V, and Higher DC Supply Through RS Resistor
Drives an External MOSFET With PWM to Control Solenoid Current
External Sense Resistor for Regulating Solenoid Current
Fast Ramp-Up of Solenoid Current to Ensure Activation
Solenoid Current is Reduced in Hold Mode for Lower Power and Thermal Dissipation
Ramp Peak Current, Keep Time at Peak Current, Hold Current, and PWM Clock Frequency Can Be Set Externally. They Can Also Be Operated at Nominal Values Without External Components.