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The TPS62134x is a synchronous, step-down converter in a 3×3-mm, 16-pin QFN package. Four different versions are available and each has their own EVM: TPS62134AEVM-595 (PWR595-001), TPS62134BEVM-595 (PWR595-002), TPS62134CEVM-595 (PWR595-003), and TPS62134DEVM-595 (PWR595-004). The versions differ in their output voltage setpoints and low-power mode output voltage. The TPS62134A is compatible with the Intel Skylake platform's VccIO rail. The TPS62134B and TPS62134D are compatible with the Intel Skylake platform's VccPRIM_CORE rail. The TPS62134C is compatible with the Intel Skylake platform's VccEDRAM / VccEOPIO rail.