Power Stage Designer™ software tool is a Java® based tool that helps engineers speed up their power supply designs by calculating voltages and currents for 21 topologies according to the user's inputs. Additionally, Power Stage Designer contains a Bode plotting tool and a helpful toolbox with various functions for power supply design. This document describes how the different features of Power Stage Designer can be used and also explains the calculations behind these functions.
Power Stage Designer™ is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
Java® is a registered trademark of Oracle.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
To start a power supply design with Power Stage Designer, first select a topology from the Topology menu. The window changes and displays the schematic of the selected topology with a set of input fields and various output values. After entering the parameters of the power supply specification, Power Stage Designer suggests a value for the output inductance to stay below the entered current ripple requirement. For isolated topologies, the tool also displays a recommendation for the transformer turns ratio (TTR) based on the selected maximum duty cycle and suggests a value for the magnetizing inductance. Users can enter values of their choice and evaluate their impact on voltage and current waveforms and other parameters like on-time, off-time, and duty cycle.
#SLVUBB49830 shows the main window of Power Stage Designer displaying supported topologies.
After clicking on one of the yellow highlighted components in the schematic (see #SLVUBB42919), a new window displays the voltage and current waveforms for this specific component (see #SLVUBB45520). Additional information like the minimum and maximum voltage, minimum and maximum current, as well as root mean square (RMS), average, and AC values for the current is also provided in this window. The input voltage can be changed across the entire input voltage range with a slider. For most topologies the load current can be altered in the range of 1% to 100% of the entered output current with a second slider. Some topology models do not support such a wide load current range, thus the load current slider can be changed only in the range of 50% and 100%. The Quasi-resonant Flyback model uses a fixed output power as base for all calculations. That is why the load current slider is not available for this specific topology.
All equations used for calculations are ideal, with the only exception that the forward voltage of rectifier and freewheeling diodes is considered. For a collection of the equations behind certain topologies, see the Power Topologies Handbook.