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TI's LM74800 Evaluation Module LM74800EVM-CD helps designers evaluate the operation and performance of the LM74800-Q1 ideal diode controller with switched output. This evaluation module demonstrates how LM74800-Q1 controls two N-channel power MOSFETs with ideal diode MOSFET connected first followed by second MOSFET for switched output and power path cut-off. LM74800-Q1 is a dual gate drive Ideal diode controller where the first gate drive DGATE controls an external N-channel MOSFET to emulate an ideal diode and the second gate drive HGATE controls another external N-Channel MOSFET to cutoff the power path when disabled or during an over voltage condition. Second MOSFET is can also be used to clamp the output during over voltage or load dump conditions.
For Class A performance during input micro-short test LV124 E-10, it is recommended to connect EN/UVLO, J5 pin 2 to J10 pin 1 or an external control using J5 pin 2.
Key features of the EVM include