SNLA411 October 2022 DP83TC812R-Q1 , DP83TC812S-Q1 , DP83TC813R-Q1 , DP83TC813S-Q1
Automotive ethernet networks need a sleep mode of operation where the PHY is inactive and waiting for a few triggers in the system. The whole network should be able to transition out of sleep upon receiving those triggers without any manual intervention. Ultra-low power consumption is a must in this sleep mode of operation to reduce battery discharge. Open Alliance defines TC10 sleep/wake-up specification to tackle these challenges.
TI’s DP83TC812, DP83TC813 are the next generation 100M Automotive Ethernet PHYs that are fully compliant with the TC10 specification. This application note provides information related to TC10 and how to effectively use the sleep/wake-up feature of DP83TC812/3 in the system.
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DP83TC812/3 is 100BASE-T1 Ethernet PHY with TC-10 power saving feature with the following features.
This block diagram shows the system level integration of DP83TC812/3 to support the TC10 sleep/wake-up feature.