SNOU186 September 2021 LM74720-Q1 , LM74722-Q1
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TI's LM7472x-Q1 Evaluation module, LM7472EVM, is a two channel EVM which helps designers evaluate the operation and performance of the LM74720-Q1 in channel 1 and LM74722-Q1 in channel 2 respectively. This evaluation module demonstrates how LM7472x-Q1 with its dual gate drive controls two N-channel power MOSFETs with ideal diode MOSFET connected first followed by second MOSFET for switched output and power path cut-off. A strong boost regulator with fast turn ON/OFF comparators ensures robust and efficient MOSFET switching performance during automotive testing such as ISO16750 or LV124 where an ECU is subjected to input short interruptions and AC superimpose input signals up to 200 kHz frequency. Low quiescent current (< 38 μA) in operation enables always ON system designs.
Key features of the EVM include: