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The Hardware Design Guide for AM65x family of Devices Application Report provides a starting point for the engineers designing with AM65x processors. It provides an overview of the flow, design efforts and highlights important areas that must be addressed. Note that this document does not contain all the information needed to complete the system design. In many cases, it refers to the device-specific data manual or to various other user guides as sources for specific information.
The document is organized in a sequential manner. It starts from decisions that must be made during the initial planning stages of the design, through the selection of key devices, electrical, and thermal requirements. For ensuring design success, issues discussed in each of the section should be resolved before moving to the next section.
The AM65x device has capabilities to help system designers address safety requirements.
This guide is focused on non-safety applications.
The AM65x processors includes wide variety of capabilities, not all of which will be used in every design. Consequently, the requirements for different designs using the same device can vary widely depending on the target application. Designers must understand the requirements before determining the details of the design. In addition, the design may require additional circuitry to operate correctly in the target environment. For the selected device and determine the following, see latest device-specific collaterals on like the data sheet, Errata, TRM and EVM User's guides:
Selection of device is the most important step during the system design process. For selecting the device variant, device density, features, package (ACD), and speed grade that is applicable, see the Functional Block Diagram and Device Comparison section in device-specific data sheet.