MSP432™ is a trademark of Ti.
Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The human interface device enables a host to connect and control a HID Device. There are two roles defined in this profile, host and device. The host sends control and report requests and the second is the device which responds to the host’s requests. The host is a device like a computer or tablet and the Device is an I/O device like keyboard or mouse.
This application allows the user to use a console with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to establish connection between two BLE devices, control the device, and get reports and protocols.
Users are advised to visit TI Dual-Mode Bluetooth® Stack on MSP432™ MCUs or Dual-Mode Bluetooth® Stack on STM32F4 MCUs pages before trying the application described on this page.
Once the code is flashed, connect the board to a PC using a miniUSB or microUSB cable. Once connected, wait for the driver to install. This appears as MSP-EXP430F5438 USB -Serial Port(COM x), Tiva Virtual COM Port (COM x) , XDS110 Class Application/User UART (COM x) for MSP432, under Ports (COM & LPT) in the Device manager. Attach a Terminal program like PuTTY to the serial port x for the board. The serial parameters to use are 115200 Baud (9600 for MSP430), 8, n, 1. Once connected, reset the Device using Reset S3 button (located next to the mini USB connector for the MSP430) and observe the stack initialized on the terminal. The help screen is displayed and shows all of the commands.