Bidirectional CLLLC Resonant Dual Active Bridge (DAB) Reference Design for HEV/EV Onboard Charger
Revision History
Changes from B Revision (July 2019) to C Revision
- Changed 8.2 to 9.3Go
- Deleted Open CCS. Go to View → CCS App Center. Under Code Composer Studio Add-ons, make sure GUI Composer Runtime v1.0 is installed. If it is not installed, install GUI Composer Runtime v1.0.Go
- Changed Solution Adapter to Through resource explorerGo
- Added under DC-DC sectionGo
- Changed Select the device this solution must run on the next page to The development kit page will be displayedGo
- Deleted Through the development kits page: In the Resource Explorer, under C2000WARE DIGITAL POWER SDK, select Development Kits > CLLLC TIDM-02002. This page can be used to browse all the information on the design, including this design guide, test reports, hardware design files, and so forth.Go
- Added configuration pageGo
- Changed PowerSUITE Page for the Design imageGo
- Changed main.cfg to main.syscfg throughout documentGo
- Added C basedGo
- Added "<solution>_user_settings.h" is included by the "<solution>_settings.h"and can be used to keep any settings that are outside the scope of powerSUITE tools such as #defines for ADC mapping, GPIOs etc. Go
- Changed Kit.xm to Kit.jsonGo
- Changed Product Explorer View of the CLLLC Project imageGo
- Changed powerSUITE CFG TO powerSUITE SYSCFGGo
- Changed cfg page to SYSCFG pageGo
Changes from A Revision (June 2019) to B Revision
- Changed Figure 24Go
- Changed Figure 25Go
Changes from * Revision (March 2019) to A Revision
- Added can be used for protection and monitoringGo
- Added two methods to sense using shunt current sense and other is rogowski's coil. Only one is needed, used to implement synchronous rectification in the reverse direction i.e. secondary to primary. Also used for protection. Go
- Added used to implement the battery current control loop. Go
- Added used to implement the synchronous rectification for the foward direction power flow i.e. primary to secondary. Go
- Changed hal to HALGo
- Added with Power Flow Secondary to Primary to image titleGo
- Deleted Once the icon is clicked, a pop-up window appears asking for a location to create the project. The user can also save the project inside the workspace itself. Once the location is specified, a project is created, and a GUI page appears with modifiable options for the solution (). This GUI can be used to change the parameters, select lab level, and change sensing circuit parameters. If this GUI page does not appear, refer to the FAQ section under powerSUITE in the C2000WARE-DIGITAL-POWER-SDK resource explorer.Go
- Added For simplicity the software diagrams and structure only show ISR1 that is triggered the first time. Go
- Added ISR2 has two variants ISR2_primToSecPowerFlow and ISR2_secToPrimPowerFlow, one for the power flow from primary to secondary side and other for secondary to primary. This is done to to optimize CPU cycles when controlling power flow in different directions. For simplicity of explaination either of them are just referred to as ISR2 in respective labs.Go
- Added The image is taken for the system in open loop and when a period change is initiated through the watch window, hence only one time ISR1 trigger is observed. For a closed-loop system, the period will only have minor changes from one control ISR cycle to the other and hence the ISR1 will be triggered repeatedly.Go
- Changed four to eightGo
- Changed "Open Loop Check" to "Primary to Secondary Power Flow, Open Look Check PWM driver,"Go
- Changed Lab 2 to 3; changed "Closed Voltage Loop Check, with resistive load connected" to "Primary to Secondary Power Flow, Closed Voltage Loop Check, with resistive load connected on secondary." Go
- Changed Lab 3 to 4; changed "Closed Current Loop Check, with resistive load connected on secondary." to "Primary to Secondary Power Flow, Closed Current Loop Check, with resistive load connected on secondary. "Go
- Changed Lab 4 to 5Go
- Added Primary to Secondary Power Flow, Go
- Added Lab 6, 7, and 8Go
- Added section title "Lab1. Primary to Secondary Power Flow, Open Loop Check PWM DriverGo
- Changed Lab 1 Software Diagram to Lab 1 and 2 Software DiagramGo
- Changed Lab 1 to Lab 2Go
- Changed Lab 1 to Lab 2; added PWM with Protection, Prim to Sec Power FlowGo
- Changed codeGo
- Changed setupdebugenv_build1.js to setupdebugenv_lab2and7.jsGo
- Changed Lab 1 to Lab 2Go
- Changed Lab 1 to Lab 2Go
- Changed Lab 1 to Lab 2Go
- Added which will correspond to a frequency of 639Go
- Changed Lab 1 to Lab 2Go
- Added which will make generate frequency of 374kHzGo
- Changed Lab 1 to Lab 2Go
- Added cross-reference and added "shows the measurement of the current loop plant at 500kHz."Go
- Changed title of imageGo
- Changed Lab 2 to Lab 3; added "Primary toSecondary Power Flow,"Go
- Changed title from "Lab 2 Control Software Diagram: Closed Current Loop" to "Software Diagram: Closed Voltage Loop Primary to Secondary Power Flow" Go
- Changed Lab 2 to Lab 3Go
- Changed Lab 2 to Lab 3; added "...with Resistive Load Prim to Sec Power Flow"Go
- Added , for example two runs at 500kHz and 300kHz with the designed compensator are shown to be stable in Figure 46 and Go
- Added image titleGo
- Added "...When Resistive Load is Connected at the Output, With Measurement Data at 333kHz" Go
- Changed codeGo
- Changed setupdebugenv_build2.js to setupdebugenv_lab3.js"Go
- Deleted The watch window will appear as shown in...Go
- Added ...with Resistive Load at the OutputGo
- Changed Lab 3 to Lab 4; Added "Primary to Secondary Power Flow,..."Go
- Changed Lab 3 to Lab 4Go
- Changed Lab 3 to Lab 4Go
- Deleted (see 3)Go
- Changed Lab 4 to Lab 4; added "Primary to Secondary Power Flow,..."Go
- Changed Lab 4 to Lab 5Go
- Changed Lab 4 to Lab 5Go
- Changed Lab 4 to Lab 5Go
- Changed Lab 4 to Lab 5Go
- Changed Lab 4 to Lab 5Go
- Changed codeGo
- Added new subsection Go
- Added new subsection: Lab 8, Secondary to Primary Power Flow, Closed Voltage Loop Check, with Resistive Load Connected on Primary and imageGo
- Added subjection Setting Software OptionsGo
- Added subjection title Building and Loading the Project and Setting up Debug EnvironmentGo
- Added step "Right-click the project name and click Rebuild ProjectGo
- Added subsection Measure SFRA for Closed Voltage LoopGo
- Added TMS320F28004x microcontrollers data manual linkGo
- Deleted Texas Instruments, TMS320F28004x microcontrollers data manualGo