The PMP22650 reference design is a 7.4-kW, bidirectional, onboard charger. The design employs a two-phase totem pole PFC and a full-bridge CLLLC converter with active synchronous rectification. The CLLLC uses both frequency and phase modulation to regulate the output across a wide voltage range. This design uses a single TMS320F280039C microcontroller to control both the PFC and DCDC stages. This design is also supported with a TMS320F28P65x microcontroller. High density is achieved through the use of high-speed GaN switches (LMG3522-Q1). A peak system efficiency of 96.5% was achieved with an open-frame power density of 3.8 kW/L.
This design illustrates control of this power topology using a single C2000™ MCU in closed voltage and closed current-loop mode. The hardware and software available with this design help accelerate your time to market.
TIDM-02013, PMP22650 | Design Folder |
TMS320F280039C, TMS320F28P650DK | Product Folder |
AMC3330-Q1, AMC3302-Q1, UCC21222-Q1 | Product Folder |
C2000WARE-DIGITAL-POWERSDK | Software Folder |
TMDSCNCD280039C, TMDSCNCD28P65X | Tool Folder |