The LP8733xx is designed to meet the power management requirements in industrial applications. The device has two step-down DC/DC converters (which can be configured as a single dual-phase regulator or two single-phase regulators), two linear regulators, and two general-purpose digital-output signals. The device is controlled by an I2C-compatible serial interface and by an enable signal.
The automatic PWM/PFM (AUTO mode) operation together with the automatic phase adding/shedding gives high efficiency over a wide output-current range. The LP8733xx supports remote voltage sensing (differential in dual-phase configuration) to compensate IR drop between the regulator output and the point-of-load (POL), thus improving the accuracy of the output voltage. In addition, the switching clock can be forced to PWM mode and also synchronized to an external clock to minimize the disturbances.
The LP8733xx device supports programmable start-up and shutdown delays and sequences including GPO signals synchronized to the enable signal. During start-up and voltage change, the device controls the output slew rate to minimize output voltage overshoot and the in-rush current.
LP8733xx | VQFN (28) | 5.00 mm × 5.00 mm |
1 | VOUT_LDO0 | P/O | LDO0 output. If the LDO0 is not used, leave the pin floating. |
2 | FB_B0 | A | Output voltage feedback (positive) for Buck 0. |
3 | FB_B1 | A | Output voltage feedback (positive) for Buck 1 in two single-phase configuration and output ground feedback (negative) for Buck 0 in dual-phase configuration. |
4 | AGND | G | Ground. |
5 | VANA | P/I | Supply voltage for analog and digital blocks. Must be connected to same node with VIN_Bx. |
6 | EN | D/I | Programmable enable signal for regulators and GPOs. If the pin is not used, leave the pin floating. |
7 | VOUT_LDO1 | P/O | LDO1 output. If LDO1 is not used, leave the pin floating. |
8 | VIN_LDO1 | P/I | Power input for LDO1. If LDO1 is not used, connect the pin to VANA. |
9 | nINT | D/O | Open-drain interrupt output. Active LOW. If the pin is not used, connect the pin to ground. |
10 | CLKIN | D/I/O | External clock input. Alternative function is general-purpose digital output (GPO2). If the pin is not used, leave the pin floating. |
11, 12 | VIN_B1 | P/I | Input for Buck 1. The separate power pins VIN_Bx are not connected together internally - VIN_Bx pins must be connected together in the application and be locally bypassed. |
13, 14 | SW_B1 | P/O | Buck 1 switch node. If the Buck 1 is not used, leave the pin floating. |
15, 16 | PGND_B1 | P/G | Power ground for Buck 1. |
17 | SCL | D/I | Serial interface clock input for I2C access. Connect a pullup resistor. If the I2C interface is not used, connect the pin to Ground. |
18 | SDA | D/I/O | Serial interface data input and output for I2C access. Connect a pullup resistor. If the I2C interface is not used, connect the pin to Ground. |
19 | SGND | G | Ground. |
20, 21 | PGND_B0 | P/G | Power ground for Buck 0. |
22, 23 | SW_B0 | P/O | Buck 0 switch node. If the Buck 0 is not used, leave the pin floating. |
24, 25 | VIN_B0 | P/I | Input for Buck 0. The separate power pins VIN_Bx are not connected together internally - VIN_Bx pins must be connected together in the application and be locally bypassed. |
26 | GPO | D/O | General-purpose digital output. If the pin is not used, leave the pin floating. |
27 | PGOOD | D/O | Power-good indication signal. If the pin is not used, leave the pin floating. |
28 | VIN_LDO0 | P/I | Power input for LDO0. If the LDO0 is not used, connect the pin to VANA. |
Thermal Pad | — | — | Connect to PCB ground plane using multiple vias for good thermal performance. |