High-precision, high-speed light-to-digital conversion over high-speed I2C interface
Precision optical filtering closely matches human eye with excellent near infrared (NIR) rejection
Semi-logarithmic output:
Nine binary logarithmic full-scale light range
Highly linear response within each range
Built-in automatic full-scale light range selection logic, which switches measurement range based on input light condition for best possible resolution at all times
28 bits of effective dynamic range:
312.5µlux to 84klux for PicoStar™ package
437.5μlux to 117klux for SOT-5X3
package variant
400μlux to 107klux for USON package variant
12 configurable conversion times:
600μs to 800ms for high-speed and high-precision applications
External pin interrupt for hardware-synchronized
trigger and interrupts (not available on PicoStarTM package)
Error correction code features for improved reliability in automotive use cases
Internal FIFO for output registers with I2C burst readout