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Design for avionic standards and best practices with our wide portfolio of analog and embedded processing products

We understand the rigorous requirements for using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components in the avionics industry, as well as the future evolution of the avionics market. As such, we are committed to providing parts that fit your current design needs, while also working with you on what the next decade and beyond will bring. From flight control systems and engine monitoring and control to lighting and in-flight entertainment, our solutions provide the performance, longevity and safety to meet your design requirements.

Why choose TI for your avionics application?


Maximize power density while meeting avionics standards

Our reference design portfolio, includes Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) DO-160 tested power supplies and solutions for power factor correction and point-of-load design challenges.


Reduce cable complexity

Explore solutions ranging from legacy discrete input/output solutions to modern high speed interfaces such as Single-Pair Ethernet.


Ensure aircraft safety in all operating conditions

Use the documentation and assurances that accompany TI functional safety products to help certify your designs to RTCA DO-254.

Engineering reliable avionics applications

Achieve RTCA DO-160 harmonic requirements

Ever-greater system electrification raises the importance of power management and power conversion in the development of airframes. Every system must meet RTCA DO-160 harmonic specifications, with pressure to reduce size and weight and increase efficiency.

Our tested solutions give you the data that you need to ease power component selection and achieve your design goals.

Test report
400-W AC/DC Reference Design for Avionics
Read the test report for our compact, 30-V DC, 400-W reference design for avionics applications, working with mains frequency between 400 Hz and 800 Hz. 
More literature
Power Factor Correction (PFC) Circuit Basics
This paper talks about how the PFC circuit can impact the AC-to-DC power-conversion architecture, common PFC circuit types, the benefits/disadvantages of different approaches.
White paper
Achieving GaN Products With Lifetime Reliability
Read our white paper about how we achieved reliable GaN products through a comprehensive in-house program ranging from epitaxial growth, application reliability validation, and the industry support of new GaN standards.
Featured products for power management
UCC28064A ACTIVO Controlador PFC con modo de transición natural Interleaving™ con alta eficiencia de carga ligera
UCC256404 ACTIVO Controlador resonante LLC con potencia ultrabaja, funcionamiento en espera ultrasilencioso e inicio
LMG3410R050 ACTIVO GaN de 600 V y 50 mΩ con controlador y protección integrados

Reliable digital interfaces

The sheer number of interconnected systems on a modern commercial aircraft necessitates the implementation of faster and more reliable communication interfaces to ensure connectivity. Various ARINC and ABD standards exist today, supported by commercial off the shelf devices. In addition, surge suppression technologies like flat clamp protection and isolation can help reduce total system size.

To meet the needs of future aircraft systems, we are committed to supporting interface technologies such as Single-Pair Ethernet, while helping you increase inter-system data throughput and reducing cable harness complexity.

Application note
DP83TG720S-Q1: Configuring for Open Alliance Specification Compliance (Rev. B)
OA TC12 mandates different tests for 1000BT1 PHY. This document describes the procedure to put DP83TG720R/S in the required test mode to carry out different TC12 tests
Application brief
TVS Surge Rating: Power vs. Current
When calculating the surge protection level of a device, remember that the TVS diode itself is what effects the clamping voltage and the surge current is the best representation of how severe a surge pulse is. Read more.
White paper
Addressing High-Volt Design Challenges w/ Reliable and Affordable Isolation Tech (Rev. C)
This paper provides an overview of galvanic isolation, explains common isolation methods for high-voltage systems, and shows how Texas Instruments (TI) isolation integrated circuits (ICs) can help designers meet isolation needs.
Featured products for communication and interface
DP83TG720R-Q1 ACTIVO PHY Ethernet para automoción con RGMII 1000BASE-T1
TLC6A598 ACTIVO Controlador de alta fiabilidad y cambio de fase de 8 bits de alta potencia para aplicaciones de avió
TVS3300 ACTIVO Dispositivo de protección contra sobretensiones de abrazadera plana de 33V

Meet your design assurance level (DAL) requirements

Meet your certification requirements for any avionic DAL by leveraging our extensive knowledge in achieving functional safety for automotive and industrial systems.

Discover our portfolio of TI Functional Safety-Capable, TI Functional Safety Quality-Managed and TI Functional Safety-Compliant devices to help streamline your avionics system developments to meet DO-254 requirements.

Functional safety information
Streamlining Functional Safety Certification in Automotive and Industrial
Functional safety design takes rigor, documentation and time to get it right. Whether you’re designing for the factory floor or the highway, this white paper explains how to streamline your functional safety design.
White paper
Understanding Functional Safety FIT Base Failure Rate Estimates per IEC 62380 and SN 29500 (Rev. A)
Systematic and random hardware failures need to be addressed to achieve functional safety compliance. Learn about two techniques for estimating the base failure rate (BFR) required to calculate quantitative random hardware.
Serie de videos
Functional safety at TI
Browse TI's library of functional safety videos
Featured products for functional safety
TDA4VM-Q1 ACTIVO Sistema en chip para automoción para sistemas analíticos L2, L3 y de campo cercano mediante aprendiz
TMS320F28377D-EP ACTIVO MCU C2000™ de 32 bits de producto mejorado, con 800 MIPS, CPU x2, CLA x2, FPU, TMU, Flash de 1 MB, E
BQ79654-Q1 ACTIVO Monitores de precisión de batería de 14 S, equilibrador, sensor de corriente conforme a ASIL-D para

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