Payment options
Línea de crédito
- What are “net 30” terms?
- What is Apruve line of credit (net 30 terms)?
- How do I use Apruve to place an order?
- What currency will my Apruve invoices be in?
- What if my credit application is declined?
- How do I add people to my purchasing team?
- How do I pay an invoice or a statement?
- How can I convert my USD account to a EUR account?
- Why is my account suspended?
- How can I increase my credit limit?
Transferencia bancaria
- Why is bank transfer not a payment option for my order?
- Why is there an error message when I select the bank transfer payment method?
- How long do I have to remit payment for my order?
- How do I remit payment for this order?
- What happens if I do not remit payment for an order?
- Why did TI cancel my order?
- Why was I charged tax for an order when I have tax-exempt status?
- Why do I need to provide a bank letter to receive a refund on orders placed using bank transfer as the payment method?
- What are the accepted file formats for bank letters?
- Where do I get a copy of the Texas Instruments W-9 form?
Métodos de pago alternativos (APM)
- Can I use UnionPay as payment option to purchase online?
- What bank can I select with UnionPay (business and consumer online banking)?
- How can I pay through UnionPay corporate online banking?
- Why is UMF shown as the merchant name for my order and not Texas Instruments?
- How do TI’s UnionPay corporate online bank payments differ from corporate online wire transfers?
- How do I enable UnionPay corporate online banking payments?
- How do I enable UnionPay corporate online banking payments?
- What does a “payment pending” order status mean on my order history?
- If I did not select a bank or submit the order for payment authorization within 12 hours, what are my next steps?
- What do I do if the payment is not approved within 12 hours (calendar hours including weekends and holidays)?
- What should I do when the bank I selected requires the installation of security controls (xActive tools) during the payment process?
Tarjeta de crédito de Corea del Sur
Los clientes de Corea del Sur ahora pueden utilizar la moneda surcoreana WON (KRW) para pagar con tarjetas de crédito emitidas en Corea a través de nuestro procesador de pagos externo KCP.
- What South Korean credit cards can I use to make a purchase?
- What are the steps for checking out with Korea-issued credit cards and receiving a credit card sales receipt for VAT tax claim?
- What are the main changes to processing payment using KRW?
- What is the exchange rate used for the price in KRW?
- How do I download a quotation of my cart?